Monday, May 18, 2009

LOGO Contest!!

I am not happy with our current logo.  I figure you guys might be better at this than me!!  So we are running a logo contest!  

What do you need to do!

1.  Design a digital Port Perry Multisport Logo.  
2.  Make sure that it will look good blown up to 6inches by 6 inches (it doesn't get pixelated) .  It can be bigger!
3.  E-mail it to me (
4.  We will pick the 4 best and put them up on the site so everyone can vote on them.
5.  The winner will be awarded a bag of swag.  Looks like there will be some cool stuff in it, so better make a good logo!
6.  If you know how to put it into an EMS file that would be good, otherwise don't worry about it.

Let me know if you have any questions.

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